WELL!!! the end off summer is like here now:( very sad! .... i mean the weather is GREAT it been at liek 70-75 cool out nice to walk in and stuff i have been wearing a sweeter to bed not ready to give up sleeping on top of the bed bc of the heat yet!:P:D lol but lol!>!>!:d
 dad and mom r here in nh to get me... we r having turkey and all the fixings!!! YAH! i ALWAYS look forward to when the WHOLE family get together for a turkey dinner!<3 the best but this time its just mom dad bro me and the g-rents wit is ok but its was ALWAYS so much FUN to have the family!:(   :) oh well tho! cant wait they will be done soon! everything is out and getting mixed and mashed and smells WONDERFUL!!! not sure how much longer i can wait!:) well i will put the rest of my pix up and all that stuff! So bY!<3 THEN home again home again!<3 :)
K so mom and dad came the dinner was GREAT the turkey was a LIL dried out...... but GREAT!<3 i was SO HAPPY! like cloud NINE!<3~
Then my grandmother was like HEY lets call the sister who is ALWAYS  over and has to go every were wit us like every time! so she did and this sister came over!! UGH! she is like my dads 2 mom almost but STILL!!! UGH!:P:) then another bro and sis came over i LUUV them !!! Tammy and Ward Mitchel! the best ever SO MUCH FUN! she gave me 2 of her dressers and a painting for my room!<3 so now my room is like complete!!:D... then Jake RANDOMLY showed up! ...... wit his gurl friend! ( she is so cute and sweet!!)   when he got there he looked like his friend Nate who came before! I was like..... WUT THE HECK! but i would have been glad if he came i really like him! ( NO NOT THAT WAY!) Hes SO funny! lol he is such a boy who luvs to eat and he luvs meme!:d she has been witnessing to him! :D so thats good!:D   so any way... he showed up i was SO surprised !!! but VERY HAPPY!!!:P:D   then meme went of about Nate:d lol;o and how much she liked him!:D so Jake tx. him and was like theres food and meme!:D:P lol so he came ( i think mostly for the food!:D) lol but it was a VERY nice time!:D<3 But i was just thrilled he came!!!:D :)<3  but now were in the car as im putting this up! and i will try to do the pix so night<3 yah all!<3

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