So yah like is says ... BUSY! lol so we had the grad pary KILLER TIME.... then i went to Lissa ( bff ) Sat wit Corin.. It was GREAT till COrin and Shraon times 2 had to ruin it!!!  :P lol we got there and me and Lisa NEW wut we were going today we had r day ALL MAPPED OUT!! from like a week before! so we got there and Corin was like i want to go to the beach lake and were were there is water! so they were like hmm ok kewl but we have a study 1st then we can go...... so they had the study me and liss talked about if they go to we want to go wit them??... should we stick to R plans??? so we were like Rs!:) lol so we go out after the study and NONE of the sharons who Corin came to be wit wanted to go!!!! so me and Lissa were mad about that!... so we DIDN'T want Corin to go alone so we were like ok will go wit u but in the end they were like no will go and sharon 1 mad it sound like we HAD to go so we went... we wernt HAPPY BUT

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